A downloadable soundtrack

Comalody is a game about the main character that ends up in a coma due to drowning.
Through the game you meet funky, goofy characters which are all made up in the main characters head but represent different traumas the character needs to defeat or reconcile in order to stay in the "dream" or wake up from the coma.
The game is based in the main character's mind or "dreams" where anything imagine-able is possible.

Where are we - A track which will play at the title screen and possibly around the game, combining all the melodies in other tracks. The track is chaotic in nature which signifies the tone of the game and all the emotions felt by the character, the track is very melancholic and sad but throughout we hear glimmers of hope and potentially an outcome of either good or bad. This track including some of the others follow the royal road chord progression, or well I tried to make it be so. At first I was looking into making something beautiful filled with orchestral instruments, I wanted people to say "this song is beautiful", so I started with a chord progression and built it up from there adding instruments and balancing melodies together where needed. The melodies were all made in this track to hopefully be used in the other tracks.

A battle against myself - This track is what could potentially be the final boss battle of this game, Yourself, aka. The main character. How you choose to fight is up to the player. this is an energetic track which picks up in tempo throughout the song. It uses melodies from "Where are we" and makes this a climatic final battle. The first half of the song seems less hopeful and more in the lines of despair however the melody changes into something more hopeful, potentially signifying a better outcome? When I was making this track I was thinking, this needs to sound similar to the title track but still remaining "beautiful" however with this I wanted to make it energetic and fitting for a final boss theme so the process was almost the same.

Frog King - a energetic track, a battle theme for when the character fights one of the "trauma" characters in the dream world, King Frog. Borrowing melodies from the title screen track. When making this track I found a sound that sounds both like a frog croaking very deeply and one that sounded like a frog screaming, the croaking sound is part of the main bassline which runs throughout the whole track, the track's structure is also extremely chaotic as I would imagine the situation to be quite difficult or chaotic to deal with as well as a few dissonant notes to help amplify the situation. It's just a goofy little battle theme/boss theme for this made up character where my hopes were to make people listening to this track bop their heads.

Thoughts - a thoughtful track containing the "main" melody line from "where are we" and "a battle against myself" with soft deep strings coming in and a bit later some soft Viola melodies brushing against the background of the track. I wanted this track to emphasize the "main" melody theme in the other songs but be more melancholic and "thoughtful" I wanted this track to feel like the sad part in a game that could make people cry, a realisation in the story perhaps.

Shop theme - This track is a bossa nova style shop theme using the bassline from the "where are we" track and just makes it a fun shop theme. I wanted this song to be listen-able for a long time so to test this with 4 hours left on the clock until submissions close I did chores for about an hour with this on repeat and I ploughed through it all with no issues! The shopkeeper in this game is also an Axolotl with a bowtie, just for a fun fact.

All of these songs are loop able and most of them are of a different genre. The DAW I used was FL STUDIO 21

A soundcloud link to the 5 tracks:

Hey there! 

This is my first time making music again since about 6 years ago.

I have always joined game jams but never have been able to submit, this is my first time ever being able to finish and push through, The tracks that I submitted aren't as polished as I would've wanted them unfortunately and I wanted to include 3 more tracks that would've fitted well but they were extremely unfinished.

I also missed about 4 days due to personal matters but I still was able to submit which makes me extremely happy. My ultimate goal for this was to finally submit to a game jam, I achieved it so I content.

This was so much fun and I submitted 20 or so minutes before deadline not knowing my email wasn't verified, it was a rush and I have never been so nervous in my life.

I hope you enjoy and find some value in what I have made. Thank you <3

- Ducky


Ducksaint - A battle against myself.wav 31 MB
Ducksaint - Frog King.wav 17 MB
Ducksaint - Shop theme.wav 4.6 MB
Ducksaint - Thoughts.wav 17 MB
Ducksaint - Where are we.wav 25 MB

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